Friday 20 April 2012

Sponsored Post: Vanish

Vanish have asked me to write a post about their products. I actually already use Vanish and have done ever since I started buying my own clothes, when my parents gave me a clothing allowance when I was 13. I remember my mum teaching me to use that little bar of soap to remove stains, and it was a constant in my cleaning cupboard, especially as a student.

These days I use the oxi action powder and the whitening version, a scoop in with my whites and towels. Looking today at the Vanish website however, I was interested to note that they have a handy table for different types of stains, not only recommending the best of their products to deal with the specific issue but also useful advice on using the product. I was particularly interested in the advice on tea stains and red wine stains, as these are by far and above the two problems I deal with most. Only yesterday I was removing a tea stain from a duvet cover after laughing too much whilst eating my breakfast in bed and slopping tea over my favourite Toast striped duvet cover.


This is a sponsored post

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